Required Peanut Butter, Almond Butter etc. - Enquiry From Wyoming, Michigan, USA - Food Companies Directory

Required Peanut Butter, Almond Butter etc. – Enquiry From Wyoming, Michigan, USA

Requirement :
My name is Ryan Fischer, Chief Financial Officer Gordon Food Service. We are looking forward to purchase item with your company, also to build business relationship with your company. We will be so glad if you send us the price quotation of any product mentioned
item below we want to purchase from your company:

Item : Peanut Butter: Eg: crunchy (chunky) peanut butter, creamy (smooth) peanut butter, natural (organic) peanut butter/ mixed nut or seed butters.
Valencia Peanut Butter, Almond Butter

Package Size: Any.

Qty: 1 Truck Load

We are interested in maintaining a long-time relationship with your company once your quote is good for our budget. Please kindly send us the quotation of the item mentioned above as soon as possible. Do not include shipping, We have a Freight Broker for Pickups.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Thanks.

Ryan Fischer
Chief Financial Officer
Gordon Food Service
1300 Gezon Pkwy Sw, Wyoming, Michigan 49509

Post Date : 31 May 2024

Company : Gordon Food Service
City / Country : Wyoming, Michigan, USA
Phone No. :  +1 6164312863

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