Concert Food Products Kochi Kerala India - Food Manufacturers Producers Suppliers

Concert Food Products

Kochi Kerala India

Concert Food Products is located at Kochi in India, Kerala . They are Food Manufacturers, Food Producers, Food Suppliers etc. of various food products. Their main business region is India . The food items they are supplying mainly used as Bakery products, Confectionery Products, Spices, Sweets etc. The company established in the year 1982.

Concert Food Products Pvt. Ltd
G – 390, Panampilly Nagar
Kochi – 682 036
Kerala, India

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Phone Numbers
+914842310775 +919740984252


Food Manufacturers, Food Producers, Food Suppliers  Business Regions India

Food Products Supplying / Manufacturing

Aloe vera, Biscotti, Black Pepper, Bread, Cake, Cardamom, Cookies, Crunch Rusk, Milk bread, Milk Rusk, Omega 3 bread, Pastry, Patchouli, Pathimugam, Pineapple Cake, Plum Cake, Rusk, Stevia, Sweet Rusk, Tea Cake, Toast, White bread

Food Categories / Food Used as

Bakery products, Confectionery Products, Spices, Sweets

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