Velmar Food Services Phoenix Arizona USA - Food Suppliers Distributors Manufacturers Food Processing Company

Velmar Food Services

Phoenix Arizona USA

Velmar Food Services is located at Phoenix AZ in Arizona, USA . They are Food Distributors, Food Manufacturers, Food Processing Company, Food Suppliers, Food Traders, Food Wholesalers etc. of various food products. Their main business region is USA . The food items they are supplying mainly used as Ready To Cook, Ready to Eat Food etc. The main brands the company dealing are Arrowhead, Awrey’s Bakery, Barber Foods, Brakebush Chicken, Butter Buds, Curley’s Ribs, Daily’s Bacon, Dove Ice Cream, George’s Chicken, Glacier Potatoes, Heartland Catfish, Hot Pockets, Icelandic Seafood, Jarritos, King and Prince Seafood, Lamb Weston, Landshire, Monin, Mr. Pure, Nescafe, Otis Spunkmeyer, Patrick Cudahy, Pierre Zartic, Red Hot Chicago, Skandia Cakes, Sugart, Tennessee Pride, Walker Foods etc. The company established in the year 1974.

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Location Address :
Velmar Food Services
4420 N. 42nd Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85019
Arizona, USA

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