Muralya Dairy Products Trivandrum Kerala India - Food Producers Manufacturers Suppliers Distributors

Muralya Dairy Products

Trivandrum Kerala India

Muralya Dairy Products Pvt Ltd is located at Thiruvananthapuram in India, Kerala . They are Food Distributors, Food Manufacturers, Food Producers, Food Suppliers etc. of various food products. Their main business region is India . The food items they are supplying mainly used as Dairy Products etc. The main brand of the company is Muralya Dairy . They are achieved ISO certificates.

Muralya Dairy Products Pvt Ltd
Killi, Thoongapara Road
Kattakada, Trivandrum – 695572
Kerala, India

Sales Depot
Muralya Dairy Products Pvt Ltd
Nr. Lords Hospital Bypass Road
Anayara- 695029
Trivandrum, Kerala, India

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from
Phone Numbers
+914712293535 +917994991111


Food Distributors, Food Manufacturers, Food Producers, Food Suppliers  Business Regions India

Food Products Supplying / Manufacturing

Curd, Fortified Milk, Ghee, Milk, Pasteurized Milk, Sambharam

Food Brands

Muralya Dairy

Food Categories / Food Used as

Dairy Products




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