Satnam Psyllium Industries Unjha Gujarat India - Food Exporters Manufacturers Producers Suppliers

Satnam Psyllium Industries

Unjha Gujarat India

Satnam Psyllium Industries is located at Unjha in Gujarat, India . They are Food Exporters, Food Manufacturers, Food Producers, Food Suppliers etc. of various food products. Their main business regions are China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, North Korea, Thailand, United Kingdom UK, USA . The food items they are supplying mainly used as Bakery products, Confectionery Products, Organic Food Products, Spices etc. They achieved BRC, FSSAI, FSSC, Kosher, USFDA certificates. The company established in the year 2000.

Location Address :
Satnam Psyllium Industries
63, Old Market Yard,
Unjha, Gujarat, India, 384170.

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Company Message

Satnam Psyllium Industries was established in the year 2000. With the help of our visionary leadership, superior quality products, professional approach and consistently exceeding the expectations of the customers, today we are a leading manufacturing company dealing in Psyllium Seed, Psyllium Husk, Psyllium Husk Powder, Organic and Conventional product across the world. We also boast of a state-of-the-art production facility near Unjha which is considered to be the "Agri-Commercial Capital & Spice City of India" and which houses the "Biggest Market Yard of Asia for Commercial Cash Crops". With our focus, dedication and quality, we have succeeded in associating with global brands. No wonder we have expanded our client base across India and to countries such as USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Poland, Ireland, Switzerland, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iran, Dubai, Oman, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, UAE and others in short span.


Business Regions

Food Products Supplying / Manufacturing

Food Categories / Food Used as


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