Das Superfoods Sabarkantha Gujarat India - Food Importers Processing Company Producers Suppliers

Das Superfoods Pvt. Ltd.

Sabarkantha Gujarat India

Das Superfoods Pvt. Ltd. is located at Sabarkantha in Gujarat, India . They are Food Importers, Food Processing Company, Food Producers, Food Suppliers etc. of various food products. Their main business region is Belize, Fiji, France, Ireland, Romania, Tanzania, UAE, United Kingdom UK, USA . The food items they are supplying mainly used as Breakfast Food, Ready to Eat Food etc. The main brand of the company is PINTOLA . They achieved BRC, FSSAI, HACCP, USDA Organic, USFDA certificates. The company established in the year 2012.

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Location Address :
Das Superfoods Pvt. Ltd.
Survey No. 381, Salal Sonasan Road,
At. Sonasan, Ta. Prantij, Himatnagar,
Sabarkantha, Gujarat, 383210

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Company Overview and Message

Das Superfoods' state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Gujarat is a cutting-edge establishment that sets the standard for excellence. Our facility upholds the world’s best certifications and highest standards of hygiene. It boasts a remarkable capacity of 75 tons with 2 production lines to meet and exceed every customer's expectations, delivering excellence on time, every time Since 1995, at Das Superfoods, driven by a profound love for peanuts, we meticulously cultivated the finest peanuts, drawing upon India’s rich heritage. Our journey uncovered a gap - the absence of premium, locally-produced peanut butter. In 2012, we inaugurated our first state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in Gujarat, India. Starting with 8 tons per day, we've scaled up to 75 tons daily through dedicated work, marking the beginning of our quest to redefine India’s peanut butter landscape. It was then that we introduced India’s PINTOLA®, revolutionizing the category. As the top choice for Private Label Clients, exporting to over 40 countries, we manufacture the largest range of Nut Butters, specializing in unique recipes and timely delivery. Our peanut butter is a masterpiece of flavor and quality. The finest and consistently-sized G20 bold peanuts are perfectly roasted using continuous roasting technology, then ground to perfection in the world's best milling machine for extra creaminess. Every batch undergoes rigorous testing in our laboratory to ensure it exceeds the quality standards of every country. We test peanuts both before and after production to ensure that Aflatoxin levels are well below the required limits. Experience the artistry of peanut butter with us, where each jar is a testament to our expertise in delivering only the best.


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