Will Co. Nagoya Japan - Food Exporters Manufacturers

Will Co. Ltd

Nagoya Japan

Will Co. Ltd is located at Nagoya in Japan . They are Food Exporters, Food Manufacturers etc. of various food products. Their main business regions are France, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, USA . The food items they are supplying mainly used as Condiments, Diabetic Food, Frozen Food, Organic Food Products, Ready to Eat Food etc. The company established in the year 2021.

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Location Address :
Will Co. Ltd
1-722 Higashi-Ajima, Kita-ku,
Nagoya City , Aichi Prefecture, Japan

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Company Overview and Message

We are a company that manufactures and sells vegan curry in Japan. We would like to export our products to solve people's health and environmental problems around the world. Our vegan curry is a high-quality product that is used in department store gifts and high-end supermarkets in Japan.


Business Regions

Food Products Supplying / Manufacturing

Food Categories / Food Used as

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