Vezlay Foods Pvt. Ltd
New Delhi India
Vezlay Foods Pvt. Ltd is located at New Delhi in Delhi, India . They are Food Manufacturers, Food Processing Company, Food Suppliers, Online Shop etc. of various food products. Their main business region is India . The food items they are supplying mainly used as Breakfast Food, Frozen Food, Non Frozen Food, Snacks etc. They achieved FSSAI, GMP, HACCP, ISO certificates. The company established in the year 2010.
Location Address :
Vezlay Foods Pvt. Ltd
A1/1, Nathu Colony Chowk Shahdara,
New Delhi – 110093, Delhi, INDIA
Location Map of Vezlay Foods Pvt. Ltd in Google Map
While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from
Phone Numbers
+917011736463 +911122810601
Business Regions