Joki LLC Yerevan Armenia - Food Distributors Exporters Producers Suppliers

Joki LLC

Yerevan Armenia

Joki LLC is located at Yerevan in Armenia . They are Food Distributors, Food Exporters, Food Producers, Food Suppliers etc. of various food products. Their main business regions are Armenia, Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, UAE, Ukraine, USA . The food items they are supplying mainly used as Organic Food Products, Snacks, Sweets etc. The main brand of the company is Mruit Fruit . The company established in the year 2021.

Location Address :
Joki LLC
Vratsakan 5/1,4th lane st.
Yerevan, Armenia

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Company Message

The brand “Mruit Fruit” was created by “Joki” LLC in 2021. It was created by a group of young professionals who, having different professions, combined their knowledge and created a product for children that will take care of their healthy physical growth, mental abilities and imagination, creating a jolly and kind life.


Business Regions

Food Products Supplying / Manufacturing

Food Brands

Food Categories / Food Used as

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